How can I Master TOEFL Vocabulary?

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  • read time3 min Read
  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Aug 16,2024 01:06 PM IST

  • Uncover meaning through context and dictionaries, then craft your own sentences. 
  • Integrate new words into speaking and writing practice, and even enlist friends or family for testing. 
  • Regularly review learned words with flashcards, apps, or quizzes.

How can I Master TOEFL Vocabulary.webp

Vocabulary is an essential part of the TOEFL exam. Look at the thick dictionary lying on your table. It has more than thousands of TOEFL Exam essential words. Are you supposed to learn all of them at once? Well, obviously not. Do not forget a classic phrase, slow and steady wins the race.

It would be best to aim to learn five new words daily, five days a week. If you go by this strategy, you will be able to master 25 words in a week. Moreover, nearly 100 new words a month and 1200 words a year. It doesn't seem much of a task. Well, it isn't. The best part of this strategy is that the most essential TOEFL words included in books are merely 400-500. It means you will master all of them in just 4-5 months. Therefore, Learning five words daily is the best strategy to excel in TOEFL vocabulary. Here's how you can go about it:

Create Categories

It is advisable to create categories because it will let you imagine your words well. Words won't appear by themselves, so you can start by making a list of specific categories that may be useful in daily activities and are essential for the TOEFL exam.

You can add categories like:

• Education
• Career
• Business
• Relationships
• Family
• Sports
• Religion, and so on.

Once you have made all the categories, the next step is to fill them out with existing vocabulary.

Select your words

You can choose a category for a week. Let’s say; you picked Education for this week. Now choose five words a day like Professor, Students, teachers, etc. You can find these words from a TOEFL word list book.

This is a great approach and will increase your chances of scoring well if these words appear in your TOEFL test. You can also select words from reading and listening practice material available for TOEFL preparation.

Define your Chosen Words

Now that you have chosen your words for your groups, the next important step is to define them. Therefore, It is advised to guess the meaning of each word after reading it in the entire sentence. To confirm, you can use the monolingual English dictionary. Now that you know the word's meaning, create your sentence using that word.

Review your words

After writing your words according to the category, it is time to review them. For this, you can use flashcards or sticky notes or set timers on your phone. Use your words throughout the day. Try to use those words while practising your speaking and writing modules. Also, it is best if you could ask your friends or family to quiz you.

Use Mnemonic devices

There are many mnemonic devices that you can use to make learning new words easier. Here are some of the popular techniques that you can use:

Method of LociThis technique includes placing the new word or concept in a familiar location, like your house or commute. As you mentally walk through the location, visualize the word or concept in specific places. For example, if you're trying to remember the word "astronomical", you might imagine a giant telescope on your roof.
AcronymsCreate a memorable acronym from the first letter of a new word's definition. For example, to remember "facet", which means "a particular aspect of something," you can come up with the acronym "Fantastic Aspects Create Everything."
Rhymes and JinglesIf you learn better with sounds and rhythms, you can try to create a rhyme or short jingle to associate it with the new word. For example, to remember that "hamper" means "to hinder or obstruct," you could create a rhyme like "Don't let your progress be hampered, keep moving forward!"
Visual MnemonicsDraw a picture or symbol that represents the word. This can especially help you remember abstract concepts. For instance, you could sketch a light bulb to represent the word "idea."

Examine your words at the weekend

You were told to learn five words a day, five days a week. By following this format, you get two free days to review the words you learnt in the entire week. Let the knowledge seep into your mind. By using this strategy, you can gradually increase your vocabulary.


The TOEFL may seem like a vocabulary mountain to climb, but with proper planning, you can conquer it word by word. Using the format mentioned in this article, you can improve your vocabulary with consistent learning instead of cramming everything near the exam dates. You'll build a strong vocabulary foundation in just a few months by dedicating five words daily and employing techniques like categorization, sentence creation, and spaced repetition. Remember, vocabulary acquisition is a marathon, not a sprint. If you are also planning to study abroad and join the best TOEFL institute, contact Canamprep - the best TOEFL coaching institute, today.  


In order to showcase the range of lexical resources and to make sentences effective, it plays an important role.
It can be divided weekly in alphabetical order to cover every topic. You can aim to learn 5 new words daily or adjust this limit based on your learning style. 
The word count does not matter; the thing that matters is that words should be relevant and apparent.
Of course, one can try to do the guesswork if it works in your situation.
Nothing is impossible if you work hard enough. Similarly, vocabulary can also be acquired better with regular revision.
Memorization alone isn't enough. Actively learn new words by understanding their meaning in context, using them in sentences, and incorporating spaced repetition for long-term memory.
You can turn it into a game and challenge yourself to use new words in everyday conversations or write a short story while incorporating them all. 

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