TOEFL Exam Fee in India 2023 : Everything You Need to Know

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  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Jun 22,2023 04:13 PM IST

Students and professionals applying to international institutes across the world take TOEFL as a test of English Language proficiency. Read to know about TOEFL exam fee in India for 2023 and everything about additional costs, cancellation, rescheduling, and payment methods.

Toefl Exam Fee 2023.webp
Test of English as a Foreign Language or TOEFL is an English language proficiency test that measures academic English skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. TOEFL, conducted by ETS, one of the world’s largest private education testing and measurement organizations, is a standardized and recognized test accepted by over 11,500 universities and colleges in more than 160 countries.

The test is taken by students and professionals to study and/or work in countries like Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, and the UK.

Types of TOEFL Exams

1. TOEFL iBT – conducted on a computer at a test centre

2. TOEFL iBT Paper Edition – conducted on paper at a test centre, speaking section conducted at home on a computer

3. TOEFL Home Edition – taken at home

TOEFL Exam Fee 2023

The exam fee for TOEFL iBT in India amounts to ~ INR 16,000 (as per current conversion rates).

Fees in US Dollars
Fees is Indian Rupees            
(as per Feb, 2023)

Rs. 16,134
TOEFL iBT Paper Edition
Rs. 16,134
TOEFL Home Edition
Rs. 16,134
TOEFL Essentials Test
Rs. 1,655


TOEFL Late Registration Fee

For delayed registration of an upcoming test, the fee is ~ INR 3,500.In case of refund, this amount will also be refunded (if normal registration procedures have been followed).

TOEFL Rescheduling Fee

For cancelling or choosing a different test date after registration, a fee of ~ INR 5,000 is charged. Cancelling or rescheduling must be done at least 4 full days before the test date. In case of cancellation, 50% of the original test fee is refunded.   

TOEFL Reinstatement of Cancelled scores

The fee for reinstatement of scores cancelled by the candidate on the test and having it sent to four more recipients is ~ INR 1,600. This can be done within 60 days after the test date. 

TOEFL Additional Score Reports

 For every additional score report to be sent to an institution or agency, there is a fee of ~INR 1,600. There is however no fee for additional score reports for TOEFL iBT Paper Edition.  

TOEFL Speaking or Writing Section score review

For either of this section’s review, the fee is ~INR 6,600. There can only be a single request for score review for speaking or writing, it cannot be made separately for speaking once and writing later for the same test date.

TOEFL Speaking and Writing Section score review

The fee for a review of both subjects is ~INR 13,300.The new score is considered as the final score irrespective of which is higher (old or new).

TOEFL Returned Payment

If the candidate’s account is unable to process the fee or payment is declined by the bank, a fee of ~INR 2,500 is charged. 

Fees in US Dollars
Fees is Indian Rupees            
(as per Feb, 2023)

Rs. 16,000
Late Registration
Rs. 3,500
Rs. 5,000
Reinstatement of cancelled scores
Rs. 1,600
Additional score reports (per institution or agency)
$20 each
Rs. 1,600
Speaking or Writing section score review
Rs. 6,600
Speaking and Writing section score review
Rs. 13,300
Returned payment

Rs. 2,500

Modes of Payment for TOEFL Exam Fee

The acceptable methods of payment as per registration are

1. ETS account: Credit/debit card, electronic check (e-check) or PayPal

2. Phone: Credit/debit card, electronic check (e-check)

3. Mail: Credit/debit card, paper check or money order (in US Dollars)

Acceptable credit /debit cards:

1. American Express

2. Discover

3. JCB

4. Diners Club

5. MasterCard

6. RuPay


Unacceptable forms of payment:

1. Cash or demand drafts

2. Post-dated checks

3. Receipts for bank checks

4. UNESCO coupons

Other English Language Proficiency Tests


2. PTE

3. Duolingo

If you’re applying for 2023 and 2024 intakes to Canada, USA, UK, Australia or New Zealand, register to find out programs and institutes that best suit your profile.


- Fees amount may vary in INR as per conversion rates.
- Forms of payment and fee amounts are subject to change and will be updated by ETS.


No. The cost of registration for all kinds of TOEFL iBT tests is the same i.e. $195. There is no additional cost for home-based and paper-based tests whatsoever.
The test can be taken in two ways – on a computer and on paper. The online test can also be taken from home.
Yes, the exam fee in India is inclusive of any sales, use, value-added or similar taxes. 
There may be specific requirements of age and academic qualification of the institutes for the students to apply to in another country. However, for taking the TOEFL test, there are no specific eligibility criteria.
No, there is no fee waiver for TOEFL for Indian students. (The service only holds for American students seeking admission in colleges/universities.)

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