Tips for TOEFL Reading Module

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  • read time3 min Read
  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Jun 22,2023 04:09 PM IST

Unquestionably, the TOEFL reading has featured some difficult questions .Therefore, in order to achieve the highest marks, one should read faster to react to each question quickly and also study specialized words to save time. Given that you only have 80 minutes and there are a total of 55+ questions for sections 3-4, it is advisable that you manage your time and divide it fairly. So, take five minutes to read each passage and one minute to answer each question.

Tips for TOEFL Reading Module.webp

Students are often scared of TOEFL’s reading module. The English native speakers read for pleasure and for information, but non-English speakers read and try to understand the meaning of every word in a sentence. This is one of the most common mistakes that TOEFL test takers commit.

It is true that the reading module of the TOEFL has witnessed some of the trickiest questions. If you have taken coaching from one of the top TOEFL Coaching institutes like Canamprep that follow a student-centric approach to help students achieve outstanding scores, then cracking reading module will be a cake-walk for you. 

The reading module is worth 30 points to be exact. If you think you are a little weak in writing or speaking, then the reading module will help you score well in the exam. We bring you top tips for total success in the TOEFL reading module: 

Improve your reading speed: 

Time is the essence of the TOEFL. Therefore, it is recommended to distribute your time equally and practice time management in your mock tests. In the reading module, you will be given 55 plus questions for 3- 4 passages. The time allotted for this module is 80 minutes. If translated into a simpler form, you will have 5 minutes to read each passage and 1 minute to answer each question. It is really tough. You have to improve your reading speed so that you are able to answer every question and still have some time left to revise your section properly. The best way to increase your speed is to read English literature, newspapers, and magazines besides TOEFL style academic passages.

Also read: TOEFL Registration

Time yourself and learn specific vocabulary

Teach yourself how to remain calm and avoid stressing out. The next step is to train yourself to gulp down a complex passage in less than 4 minutes. Usually, test takers stress out when they encounter an unfamiliar word, and it will most of your time.

The best way to deal with this situation is to prepare for it beforehand. Widen your vocabulary so that you know most of the words and could avoid time waste. Firstly, train yourself, to understand the meaning of the word by reading the sentence only during practice sessions.

Next, even if you still encounter an unfamiliar word, try not to dwell on it, move on or else, you will not be able to complete your reading module in time.

Use the Line Numbering: 

As you go on reading, number every fifth line in the passage. It will help you navigate to the words or sentences quickly. You will be surprised by how much time you actually saved looking for line 28 or 49. 

Canamprep experts offer the best IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, and CELPIP. Experts at Canamprep follow a student-centric approach with professionally developed material and expert training. Get registered with Canamprep, the top TOEFL institute, and improve your capabilities.

Also read : TOEFL Exam fee


Yes, it is important to understand some TOFEL categories so that candidates are familiar with all the different kinds of questions.
Yes, it is crucial since only then will the candidate be able to finish the questions on time. Each question should receive one minute of attention.
It is, indeed. Candidates who struggle with speaking and writing can nevertheless succeed in this module.
Without a doubt, practicing material from prior years will help.
It often has three to four portions, but occasionally it may have up to five.

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