Latest IELTS Writing Vocabulary Task 1 : A Complete List

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  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Aug 09,2023 04:17 PM IST

Vocabulary is an important part of IELTS writing task 1. Read this blog to know how to attempt IELTS writing task 1, its vocabulary, the best tips to follow and many more. The writing section is one of the four sections of IELTS. To succeed in the same, one should know IELTS Writing Vocabulary. Both task 1 and task 2 of the writing section demands that the aspirant has a good hold on vocabulary. Read the blog to know more about the IELTS writing vocabulary, how to attempt writing task 1, tips for scoring well and many more.

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What is IELTS Writing Task 1?

The writing section is one of the most important sections of IELTS. It has two tasks. In its first task, a piece of visual information, either a chart or graph, will be provided. The student has to write a summary of it in 150 words. The time limit for task 1 is 20 minutes.

Assessment Criteria

There are four parameters on which the student’s answers will be assessed are as follows.

1. Lexical Resource: This parameter assesses one’s ability to use different synonyms and make better sentences. One should use formal language and correct word spelling to meet this parameter.
2. Grammar Accuracy: This parameter tests the aspirant based on tenses, simple and compound sentences, pronunciation and sentence construction.
3. Task Achievement: According to this parameter, it is assessed how well the student has presented his idea. To meet this parameter, the student must write the answer within the word count and try to provide data.
4. Consistency and Unity: This parameter assesses the paraphrasing skill of the candidate, like conjunction and the number of paragraphs written. 

5 Common Mistakes in IELTS Writing Task 1

Following are the five most common mistakes student make while attempting IELTS Writing Task 1:

Vague overview: Overview is an important part of the IELTS Writing Task 1. It is a 2-3 line paragraph that is to be written about the graph, chart etc. It should not contain any data but the main features only. A clear overview is necessary for a band score of 7 and above. 
Writing Everything: Another common mistake many students are that they try to explain everything about the graph or chart. It is important to understand that every question demands a summary of the question, so write a summary by giving the main points and features.
Complicated answers: One of the common mistakes many aspirants make is that they use advanced English words which is difficult to understand. Instead, the students should try to write the answer in the simplest words.
Unorganized Ideas: Writing an unstructured answer is a mistake as it will confuse the examiner. A logical way to answer the question is as follows:
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Paragraph 2: Main Features
Paragraph 3: Details of Main Features 1
Paragraph 4: Details of Main Features 2
Try to write answers in order so that the examiner can read them easily and the candidate can get high band scores.

Incorrect Data: The last mistake many students make is writing the wrong data. Writing data accurately requires using of specific grammar and words. For example, if the data is of the burglary in 2005, then it’s better to say “just less than 3000” than 2800 because one cannot tell the exact figures just by looking at the graph.

IELTS Writing Task 1: Preparation Strategy

Following are some tips the students can use to score well in IELTS Writing Task 1:

Marking Criteria: One of the most basic things is to know the marking criteria of the question. Have an idea of how your answer will be assessed.
Paraphrasing: You must know how to paraphrase the answer by using synonyms.
Overview: Write the outline of the question with 3-4 main features.
Main Features: After writing an overview, explain the main features in more detail.
Proofread: If you find time, check your answers for grammar and spelling mistakes.

IELTS Writing Task 1 Vocabulary

Let’s look at the type of words and phrases a candidate can use to write task 1 answers.

Linking Words

Following are the linking words one can use to give more ideas to the examiner:

• Also
• Moreover
• And
• Furthermore
• As well as
• In Addition
• Not Only…. But also

Also read: IELTS map task 1 vocabulary

Listing Words

Listing Words are the words which help to connect the sentences. Some examples are below:

• Firstly
• Secondly
• Thirdly
• Fourthly
• Lastly
• Finally
• Last but not least 

Providing examples

Using examples supports the statement, and the candidate must try to use them. Following are some words one can use before citing an example:

• For example
• For instance
• Namely
• In other words
• To Illustrate
• Such as
• To cite an example

Highlighting Key features

These are the words used to describe the result of something

• Specifically
• Particularly
• Clearly
• Of course
• Especially
• In particular
• Obviously


These are the linking words which tell what happened at the end.

• As a result
• Thus
• For this reason
• Hence
• Therefore
• So
• Consequently

Causes and reason

These are the words which tells that something now is happening because of an event in past

• Due to 
• Owing to
• Because
• Silence
• As

Trends Words

Students may be provided with a graph in IELTS Writing Task 1 and asked to write a report of 150 words. In the report, they would be mainly asked to write about the trend shown on the graph. Students can use the following words to write the report:

• Fluctuation
• Slump
• Upsurge
• Variation
• Growth
• Uplift
• Soar
• Marginal
• Modest
• Peak
• Slow
• Deep
• High
• Extreme
• Low
• The following four days
• Over the next five days
• At the end of the period
• The last year
• At the beginning of the period
• The first year
• Rises
• Down
• Fall
• Suddenly
• Steadily
• Decreases
• Increases

Comparison Words

Following are the words used to make a comparison between 2 different things:

• More than
• Equal to
• Less than
• Greater than
• Smaller than
• Larger than

Approximation and fraction

A list which can help to describe the graph is as follows:

• One third
• One fourth
• One and a half
• Around
• Approximately
• Roughly
• Around Nearly
• Half
• Full
• One Quarter
• Three Quarter


IELTS Writing Task 1 is one of the important tasks of the IELTS Writing Section. Besides focusing on vocabulary, students can get good band scores by practicing old papers and following the above-mentioned tips. If you need more clarity, talk with study abroad consultants who will guide you further.

Also read: Topic specific vocabulary


The best way to prepare for IELTS Writing Task 1 is by practicing old papers and improving where you lack.

The common mistakes in IELTS Writing Task 1 are writing complex answers, unorganized ideas, providing inaccurate data etc.
The tips that can help you score well in IELTS Writing Task 1 are Paraphrasing, writing an overview, explaining the main features and proofreading the answer.
The four parameters used to assess the answer are vocabulary, grammar accuracy, task achievement, consistency and unity.
The word limit for IELTS Writing Task 1 is 150 words, and one should write within the word limit only.

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