How to Get 8 Band in IELTS Speaking?

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  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Jun 06,2023 05:57 PM IST

The blog summarizes the information about  IELTS (an English language exam). Provides the information about speaking module. The test assesses spoken English. The test is conducted in three parts which includes general introduction round followed by cue card  in which a candidate needs to speak for 2 minutes prior to this 1 minutes is given as preparation time . Last round is a two way discussion. One must try to be calm and confident , give reasoning of answers avoid one word answer. Clarify the question if not able to get it. Avoid cramming, speak clearly practice range of topics and maintain pace.  Interview last for 11-15 minutes 

How to Get 8 Band in IELTS Speaking.webpThe International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is an English language exam designed to help you work, study or migrate to a country where the native language is English. IELTS has four different sections: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. To achieve an overall good band, you must achieve a good band score in each IELTS section. This blog will help you know how to prepare for the IELTS speaking section to get desired band in this particular section.

What is IELTS speaking test?

The IELTS Speaking test assesses your use of spoken English. This test consists of an interview between the test taker and the certified examiner that lasts for 11 -14 minutes. In this test, you will be given a variety of topics by the examiner, and you have to speak on those topics.

There are three parts of the  IELTS speaking test, and these are:

  •  Part 1: (4–5 minutes) Introduction and Interview. The IELTS examiner will introduce him/herself and will ask you to introduce yourself. The examiner will also ask you generic questions on topics like family, studies, work, and your interests.

  • Part 2 : (3–4 minutes) Individual long term In the second part, the examiner will give you a task card with a topic written on it. You will be given 1 minute to prepare the topic. A paper and pencil will also be provided to jot down the points you may wish. After this, you are given 1-2 minutes to speak on the topic while covering the points mentioned on the task card. The examiner will further ask questions related to the topic given.

  • Part 3 : (4-5 minutes) Two-way discussion The examiner further asks questions on the topic provided to you previously, and this is the time when you can display your speaking skills with more ideas added to them

Also read: IELTS - Overview

How to train to get 8 bands in IELTS speaking?

  • Try to Relax and Be Confident

There is no need to be stressed in your Speaking test. The examiner is not giving you band score on the answers you give, but on how well you can speak on your opinion of thought. It is required that you construct error-free sentences with appropriate vocabulary and proper pronunciation. So prepare well on your speaking skills and always believe that you have prepared excellently and have great command over the language. It will help you to remain confident and relaxed at the time of the test.

  • Be Elaborative in your Answer

Try to avoid giving one-word answers. Try extending your answers, and it will make you sound more fluent. Fluency is assessed in IELTS, and elaborating your answers will help you sound fluent and score well.

  • Clarify the Question if Needed

In case you missed following the question asked by the examiner, you can ask the examiner to repeat the question, and it is perfectly fine! If you try to answer a question that you haven't listened attentively to, you might answer wrong, impacting your IELTS band score. Make sure you listen to each question carefully before answering and don't hesitate to ask the examiner again if you haven't followed the examiner. 

  • Don't Memorize the Answers

In three IELTS speaking sections, Part one focuses on a personal topic with a scope of  memorizing the answer, but part two focuses on your experiences, and you will be asked to describe a place, person or object. In part three, there is a discussion about your opinions on the previously mentioned topic. In parts two and three, you will encounter questions that you might have never been asked or you might not be prepared for and can be extremely afresh to you. While it certainly pays off equipping yourself with relevant vocabulary and common phrases and collocations , it is advisable to avoid memorising large chunks of speech. Examiners are trained to identify memorised responses, and will mark you down for this. Instead, it is  recommended to  study topical vocabulary. This approach can also help you improve your vocabulary for other sections of the IELTS test – and the wider your vocabulary, the better your score! 

Also read: IELTS Exam type

  • Speak Clearly and Make a Good Pace

In the IELTS speaking test, try to speak at your natural speed. Don't try to speak fast because there can be chances that you make mistakes and become incoherent in your speech. Maintain a pace in which the examiner can listen to each word with clarity. But don't try to speak so slow, or the examiner will lose interest in your speech. Speak at a natural speed without taking much care of the accent as IELTS accept all accents. 

  • Practice More

To get good scores in the IELTS speaking section, you must indulge in a lot of practice. Try speaking with your tutor or an excellent speaker of the language. Also, start talking to your friends, family and peers in English. You can try to practice speaking every day as it will not take more than 15 minutes. If you have no one else to judge your speaking part, you can record yourself and listen to your recordings. It will help you know about various aspects of your speech like fluency, lexical resource (vocabulary), grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation and it is will surely help you improve.


Canamprep is North- India's leading IELTS coaching institute that guides students to train well for their IELTS exam by focusing on each module individually and providing undivided attention, so they understand well and don't feel hesitant to clear their doubts. Our expert IELTS trainers have rich experience in training students for their IELTS exam and have a successful record of training 10000+ students.

Do you have any doubts or queries related to the IELTS exam or find difficulty with a particular module? Contact Canamprep today to seek expert guidance and fulfil your dream of scoring 8 in the IELTS exam.

Also read: IELTS Eligibility


Speaking Part one is an introductory round, question can be of generic nature on topics such as hometown, family etc. 
Yes this is possible depending upon the examiner.
It's okay to ask the examiner to ask the question again if you felt that you didn't understand what they were asking. Your IELTS band score could suffer if you attempt to answer a question without carefully listening to the instructions. 
You need to practise a lot if you want to do well on the IELTS speaking test. Try having a conversation with your teacher or a native speaker. Start speaking English with your friends, family, and peers as well. Speaking exercises can be done daily and won't take more than 15 minutes.
It is best to refrain from memorising lengthy passages of speech. Examiners are trained to spot memorised answers, and they will penalise you for it. It is advised to focus on learning current vocabulary.

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