How can I Organize the IELTS Writing Module?

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  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Jul 01,2023 04:54 PM IST

For writing a task in essay a student has to read the question properly so that it can be understood properly. After this , notes are to be made so that paragraphs can be structured and essay should has an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion. Managing time is also very important as only 60 minutes will be given for completing the essay and it should also include cohesive devices.

How can I Organize the IELTS Writing Module.webp

Students are not able to score well in their writing module because they usually struggle to organize the content in the IELTS writing module. Do not lose your heart! Follow the following points while preparing and organizing the writing module:  

Read the question carefully:

Reading the question correctly is the first and foremost thing that students should do. It is recommended to be entirely sure of what is being asked to write before starting with your tasks. Choose good institutes Canamprep, that provides you best IELTS Writing Classes to score better.

Make a quick outline/take notes:

Once you have read the question carefully, the next step is to take down notes or take a few minutes to plan out your answer. Experts at Canamprep recommend students to make some small notes and map out your ideas. Once your ideas are written down, you can choose the best argument from them. You would be able to make more points from the existing points.

Also read: IELTS Eligibility

Structure your paragraph well:

Now that you have made your notes, it is time to write. Now that you have invested some of your time in preparing your notes, it will be very easy for you to construct a paragraph from it. Make sure your structure your paragraph well. Make sure your essay has an introduction, body, and conclusion. Organizing your writing will make it easy for you to manage your writing task. You will be able to give more time to details. Also, make sure you include essential critical points from the graphs, charts, or diagrams in the question. Also, do not forget to include a short introduction and highlight key points and trends, and finally give it a proper conclusion.

Time management:

It is vital to manage your time so that you could complete all your questions in time. You will get 60 minutes to complete the entire writing module, which has two tasks. Therefore, you have to manage your time accordingly. Also, manage your time in such a way that you have some time left for your revisions and corrections.

Use cohesive devices:

Cohesive devices are words that help keep our text organized and more comfortable to follow. Cohesive words help students connect your ideas to ensure proper writing flows and will help you move from one point to another.

Canamprep experts offer the best IELTS training. Experts follow a student-centric approach to help students achieve outstanding scores with the help of professionally developed material and strategic training at state of the art classrooms. Get registered with Canamprep, the top IELTS Coaching institute, and improve your capabilities.

Also read: IELTS Exam type


No, in Task 1 an introduction or overview are more crucial than a conclusion. You can therefore only centre your response on these two key components.
This Writing Task 1 section of the writing module is worth one-third of your overall IELTS marking. This means that it covers up approximately 33% of the scores that you will get in the writing section.
You must carefully manage your time when working on writing projects. Therefore, it is advised by specialists to limit writing task 1 to 20 minutes. You'll be able to focus better on subsequent questions as a result.
Using complex sentences will improve your grammar grade. They are not at all difficult to write, and they are extremely easy.

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