Describe a law on environmental protection: IELTS Cue Card Sample 24

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  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Jul 14,2023 05:17 PM IST

The second part of the IELTS Speaking exam features cue cards. For two to three minutes, each candidate must speak. There may be a one-minute note-taking period for candidates. In the IELTS Speaking test, examinees are evaluated on their level of comfort speaking in English about a certain subject. The subject can range from a person, an incident faced in day-to-day life to current affairs.

Describe a law on environmental protection: IELTS Cue Card Sample 24

This is an interview-like situation. Any Interview circumstance can give jitters to an experienced too. Despite what is commonly believed, it is also extremely simple. Do you believe it may be simple?

Well, with the right practice, planning, and technique, anyone can complete this section. You will respond to the questions with assurance and knowledge if you are well-prepared for them in advance.

In this post, we are going to explain some strategies, 2 Sample responses of a cue card the related vocabulary. Here is one sample Cue card for you. Describe a law protecting the environment.

  • You need to mention
  • What's that?
  • How did you first become aware of it?
  • Who is benefited by it?And what are your thoughts on this law?

Defining a Law on Environmental Protection: Key Points

Speaking is a wonderful quality and a crucial component of both life and the IELTS exam. Through this part, the examiner evaluates your command of English as well as your creativity, attentiveness, and presence of mind.

You must focus on using excellent and accurate replying strategies. Everyone speaks, but the person who is regarded as a skilled speaker knows how to provide the necessary information in the proper order.

To leave a lasting impression on the examiner, you should talk in the appropriate order based on the significance of the points for the specific question.

Probably for such questions, learning answers can be a great solution, you may feel. But it is always advised that since this is on-the-spot speaking, you do not give the impression that you have learned the responses beforehand.

A better approach would be following an idea generation technique, Mind-Mapping is considered to be the best one for this.

A mind map is a non-linear graphic representation of words, tasks, concepts, or other elements linked to and grouped around a primary notion or subject that enables the user to create an intuitive framework.

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Model answer 1

The surroundings in which we live are the environment. For us to live healthy lives, protecting our environment is essential. Modern infrastructure and technology are harming the environment, and all of their effects are having an impact on people.

In my nation, the government has passed laws to preserve the environment's quality and safeguard it. Today, I'll talk about a significant plastic bag ban law that the Indian government passed. I got to know about it from the newspaper.

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The widespread use of plastic in today's society is our biggest problem. The primary factor contributing to the ongoing rise in solid waste is plastic garbage. Every day, landfills receive millions of tonnes of plastic waste.

Because it is not biodegradable, the detrimental effects of the substance persist indefinitely. Additionally, when burned, it emits toxic fumes and other pollutants that cause the animals and birds that eat it to perish.

A law prohibiting the use of plastic bags has been passed by the government in my nation. In malls and stores, the usage of eco-friendly bags has begun.

Additionally, plastic has diminished the attractiveness of public spaces and parks. The government has initiated the "No To Plastic" movement.

Anyone caught using plastic bags will be fined 5,000 rupees, while business owners who do so will be forced to pay a penalty of 20,000 rupees. The ecosystem has benefited greatly from this law.

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Model answer 2

Indiscriminate human activity is indeed the primary cause of global warming and the ensuing climate change. The rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere cause major issues by warming the surface of the world.

It is reassuring to know that the world's nations prioritize environmental challenges, which has led to the introduction of numerous pieces of legislation such as the wildlife protection act, the environment protection act, and the water pollution prevention and control act.

However, I want to focus on a significant law that was created to save trees. I read a newspaper every morning and that's how I learned about this act. This act prohibits anyone from felling a tree if it is not on their property.

Anyone found to have violated this rule will be subject to a fine as well as a 2-year jail sentence that is not subject to bail. As the saying goes, "When the last tree dies, the last man dies."

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Since millions of trees are cut down, it was vitally important to pass this law. As a result, there is now more carbon dioxide than oxygen in the air. In the guise of industrialization and urbanization, vast tracts of forest land are also destroyed, maintaining the natural equilibrium.

As a result, massive glaciers in the arctic region melt, causing floods that submerge great tracts of land inhabited by people. In addition, trees serve as the habitat for many different birds and animals, and their extinction could have a negative impact on humanity.

I feel the protection of trees is essential for extending life on earth. Provided here is the list of words that can be used relating to the environment. Ban- to formally declare something as being prohibited, frequently by law

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According to the latest updates, Cue Card Sample 24 asks to describe a law on environmental protection. This includes taking up a particular law and discussing everything about it, such as its jurisdiction, implications, backlash, specific opinions etc. 
The best way to start preparing this topic is to research the environmental laws that are followed globally extensively. After knowing about the laws, study their implementation, importance, limitations, loopholes etc. One can also look for sample answers online for a brief idea.
Yes, it is fine to express whatever opinion one may have. It can be praise or criticism. Until an individual justifies their point in a conducive, fluent and coherent manner, there is no harm or problem. 

While it is better for a person to only talk about and describe one law, it is also okay to talk about more. The Cue Card task judges one's ability to effectively speak at length on a specific topic; therefore, focusing on one is better. 

As mentioned above, the Cue Card task assesses an individual's ability to speak on an assigned topic. While it is advisable to stick to the actual law, it is okay to create a fake one until one can defend and speak about it. It is observed that when students make a fake answer, they often struggle and lack fluency. 

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