50 IELTS Speaking part 3 Topics & Question with suggested answers

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  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:May 30,2023 05:17 PM IST

The IELTS Speaking module is a speech-based intelligibility testing which relies on everyday data that a student or an immigrant must know about. The IELTS Speaking Component 3 is typically the longest part of the speaking examination. Keep in mind that if you use a format to present your ideas, you may do it effectively.

50 IELTS Speaking part 3 Topics & Question with suggested answers

The four IELTS test sections determining a candidate's score are writing, listening, reading, and speaking. The academic and general IELTS speaking portions of the test consist of an interview that lasts between 11 and 20 minutes and is broken into three sections.

PART 1: This section contains several general/introductory questions, and you must respond with at least two sentences.

PART 2: The second portion is an extempore in which you will be given a topic to research. This portion requires one minute for the preparation and two minutes for speaking.

PART 3: The follow-up questions or the test's final section are solely based on the second section's subject. For IELTS Speaking Part 3, two-way interaction with the examiner lasts for around 4-5 minutes.

You will find strategies for answering questions in the third interview section of this essay, along with some examples to clarify the approach.

Some topics on which the questions are based are as follows:

Work StudyHometown
Neighbours & NeighbourhoodsFlowersGoing out
Leisure timeMusicFamily & Friends
Daily routineSportTelevision

Also read : IELTS Test Centers

  • You will have a lengthy conversation with an examiner for about 4-5 minutes in the third segment, during which you will be questioned on a broader range of topics connected to those studied in part 2. The examiner will extensively assess your ability to think logically, express yourself, and talk.
  • Before responding, you must show interest and thoroughly consider the questions: Be mindful and sit upright.
  • If the question is opinion-based, each response must have a distinct motivation and point of view: Typically, questions are open-ended, and there are no extra points awarded for having a balanced opinion, so be sure you adequately support and explain one side.
  • You should expound on these responses when you offer examples: You can explain things in detail using examples. Furthermore, examples may be helpful if you only have a few reasons to support your position.
  • Before the big test, base your practice on as many subjects as possible: Take on a new issue or topic every day, and focus on the reasons, terminology, and examples related to it.

Also read : IELTS Exam fee

Try to use the following as your format for each answer

1.Opinion: Start with your opinion if asked.

2.Reason: Always give a reason for choosing that as your opinion

3.Example; A valid example will justify your reasoning

4.Consequence: Finally, finish it with an ending, a conclusion to what you wanted to convey.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 - Questions and Topics

The IELTS speaking practice questions listed below are grouped into many subject areas. However, remember that the test could cover many subjects and questions.

Eating habits: Questions

1.Describe the sorts of food consumed in your nation.

2.How have your nation's eating patterns changed over time?

3.How nutritious is the food in your nation?

4.What do you think accounts for the differences in table manners between cultures?

5.How might dietary preferences evolve over the next few decades?

Also read : IELTS Registration

Eating habits: ANSWERS

1.In my nation, India, various food options are available. Local as well as international cuisines, are popular among youngsters. While the adults and older generation mostly prefer the traditional options. Moreover, India’s traditional food is diverse depending on the state or city you are in.

2.The eating patterns of the people of India have changed and developed to the extent that many young adults avoid cooking and are eating packaged food or street food which is convenient for them. However, this is not the case for many older people, as most of their eating habits are the same as in the past.

3.The food from my country is highly nutritious, especially the traditional and local cuisines. Many people prepare lentils and vegetables daily and eat fresh food. Generally, the nutritional value is high, whereas other junk food items are also available, which have close to no nutritional value.

4.Well, different cultures can influence the way we eat food. Many Indian cultures promote eating while sitting on the floor, and many advocate using hands to eat food like rice, etcetera. Even though most table manners are inculcated from the previous generation, young adults and many families today have a dining room and sit on chairs to eat.

5.Dietary preferences can change in the future as most people want to appear in a certain way, and to have a body that is socially appreciated, one might have to do that regularly. People might start accepting that healthier options instead of junk food should be consumed more often.

Education: Questions

1.In what ways have priorities changed in schooling throughout time?

2.How do you feel about language teaching in schools?

3.How might your career success be impacted by the kind of school you attend?

4.What modifications will take place soon in the classroom?

Education: Answers

  • The main factor in which the priorities related to schooling have changed is related to co-curricular activities. Many schools now concentrate more on ways which can help students develop skills for their future. For example, computer-related skills are prevalent.
  • Languages in schools help students understand the variants and linguistic traits a person cannot understand at home.
  • Moreover, one can learn more than one language at a time. Schools nowadays are competitive and want to excel at everything; however, many schools are low on financial aspects and therefore cannot excel, which is similar for people. Yes, many factors can affect the quality of a career.
  • The modifications that will take place in the future are technology related, as many schools want the students to become independent concerning computers and other technological factors.

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1.Is water contamination an issue in your nation?

2.What are a few factors contributing to water pollution?

3.What can people do to keep the water clean?

4.Do you believe the water cleanliness issues will improve?

Influence of Television

1.How popular is television in your nation?

2.Describe the television shows shown in your nation.

3.What draws individuals to television?

4.Do you prefer public or commercial television?

5.What effects might youngsters watching television have?

Influence on the young

1.What sort of people in your nation have an impact on the youth?

2.Why is having role models important?

3.Do you believe that the educational system in your nation has an impact on the behaviour of young people?

4.What kind of people—parents, instructors, friends, etc.—have the most potential to shape the behaviour of young people? 

5.What do you believe will impact today’s youth most?

Also read : IELTS Syllabus

Leisure activities

1.What kinds of leisure activities are popular in your nation?

2.Why is it crucial for people to have free time to engage in recreational activities?

3.What makes some hobbies more well-liked than others?

4.Are leisure activities popular today similar to those famous when your parents were young?

5.What leisure activities might gain popularity in the future?


1.Is shopping a common pastime in your nation?

2.How have consumer behaviours changed recently?

3.How much makes advertising influence consumers' purchasing decisions?


1.Which sports are popular in your nation?

2.What are the advantages of participating in sports?

3.Do you believe that popular sports will change in the future?

4.How can sports promote greater international understanding?


1.How do most individuals in your nation travel long distances?

2.Have people's preferred modes of transportation changed significantly in recent years?

3.What recent changes have been made to transportation in your nation?

4.Do you believe that transportation will keep getting better in the future?

Also read : IELTS -Overview


There is no such thing. It’s up to the examiner
Yes, Definitely. It’s better to answer in 3-4 lines
Yes. Most of the times
Not so. May create boredom
It’s better to say something than just sitting quite

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