5 Mistakes to Avoid in IELTS Speaking

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  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Jun 09,2023 03:29 PM IST

IELTS Speaking module is one of  the four modules that an IELTS test has and it is the final section of the IELTS exam. It takes place on an individual basis and It’s possible to take the speaking test in a group of up to 10 candidates; however, this is much more challenging for all involved.

5 Mistakes to Avoid in IELTS Speaking

IELTS Speaking module is one of  the four modules that an IELTS test has and it is the final section of the IELTS exam. It takes place on an individual basis and It’s also possible to take the speaking test in a group of up to 10 candidates; however, this is much more challenging for all involved. In this module, the examiner asks you questions about your personal experiences or general topics, such as vacation destinations or activities you enjoy and it lasts for 12 minutes which requires you to demonstrate your proficiency in English by responding to everyday conversation prompts. You may feel nervous about this part of the exam because it’s different from anything else you’ve done before. Therefore in this blog, we are outlining the top 5 mistakes you should avoid while giving your IELTS speaking test.

Failing to develop your responses in Part 1 fully and not using the paper during the preparation time for Part 2

The answer "no" or "yes" won't be enough to convince the examiner that you can talk with confidence. If you feel that keeping your responses brief may hide your grammatical errors; Then, I would say "no", it can't, since grammar is one of the four evaluated areas, you won't perform well on this test. Other than that, try to explain, for example, if the question is "Do you like flowers? And your answer is "no," then, you can say "No, I'm allergic to most of flowers, so even though they're gorgeous, they make me sneeze. Therefore, I don't like them.

Other than that, you will have to speak on the given topic for about two minutes in Part 2 of the Speaking test. You will get a piece of paper, a pencil, and one minute to make some notes as well. So, make sure to make notes in that one minute! Moreover, only few people can speak for two minutes on-the-spot about a topic, let alone a timed test. IELTS exam takers who attempt to speak without notes are not able to fulfill the needs.

You can use the topic and the talking points provided on a card to structure your answer into a beginning, a middle, and an end. Don't hold back on speaking too much, either. Once the time for the discussion is up, the examiner will stop you.

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  • Claiming that you are unable to express yourself

There is a high risk that you might forget a word and it's understandable if you can't recall things because the test is timed and you are under pressure. Nevertheless, try your best to clarify or rephrase what you mean. Put it another way, try again rather than giving up and claiming you forgot how to say something. Imagine, for instance, that you forgot the term "bookcase." In that case, you may say, "the place with shelves where I keep my books." Rather than worrying or confessing you forgot. Most commonly, those who utilize paraphrasing will be able to recall the word later.

  • Speaking for less than two minutes in Part 2 and providing no evidence for your arguments in Part 3

Speak for two minutes; Prepare your speech and write some examples to support your points. In the meantime, there will be no interruption from the examiner. Instead, if you hesitate, they will wait for you to think. You might also get distracted and feel uneasy during these situations. In that situation, write down some examples to illustrate your points in the given minute. Even better, take mock tests to practice taking notes and speaking for two minutes to prepare for this difficult task. These tests will help you learn how you can avoid pauses and run out of things to say. You can also talk about the issues that concern you and your personal life in Part 1 and 2. Especially for part 3, you must be able to engage in deep discussions about your ideas. On issues like global warming, for instance, you might have to give your opinion. Therefore, you must provide justifications and examples from the real world to back up your claim. It might be helpful to recall how you composed your essay for the exam's writing section. Ideally, you might have introduced, clarified, and supported ideas with a few instances. Utilize this line of thinking while discussing answers in Part 3.

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  • Using impressive high-level words without relevance

Yes, vocabulary makes up 25% of your final grades, but remember that there are other factors as well. Some students try to impress the examiners with a vast, impressive vocabulary that has no bearing on the topic or question being asked. However, you must accurately and contextually use the words. You risk missing the solution if you pause mid-sentence to remember a new word you learned about a topic. Therefore, you must use different words, but remember using them appropriately, naturally, and flexibly. Therefore, it is better to be natural and effortless.

  • No clarity in your answers

The next error you might commit is speaking and answering incoherently. Pronunciation, which makes up 25% of your band scores, includes clarity. Whichever accent you have, it has no bearing on your band score. Accents are irrelevant; what counts is that the examiner can clearly understand your response. Your mother tongue might occasionally have an impact on the words you pronounce. Therefore, learn to pronounce the terms correctly and practice doing so. 

Now, if you feel that you might make these mistakes in IELTS speaking module or you are prone to make these mistakes. Then, you can immediately enroll at the Canamprep - The Best IELTS, PTE & TOEFL institute that will teach you how you can avoid these IELTS speaking mistakes in order to excel & succeed in the IELTS speaking module of your IELTS exam through its highly dedicated and prominent faculties and teachers.

Also Read : IELTS Eligibility


Clarity in pronunciation is part of your band score, which accounts for 25% of your total. Your band score is unaffected by your accent, whatever it may be. Accents don't matter; what matters is that the examiner can comprehend your response clearly. On occasion, the words you pronounce may differ depending on your mother tongue. So make sure you practise and learn how to speak the words properly.
It won't be enough to simply respond "yes" or "no" to the question to persuade the examiner that you can speak confidently. You won't do well on this test if you believe that keeping your responses short would help you conceal your grammatical mistakes. Since grammar is one of the four evaluation criteria, it simply cannot be done.
Although 25% of your final scores are determined by your vocabulary, keep in mind that there are other considerations as well. Some students attempt to impress the examiners by using an extensive vocabulary that has no relevance to the subject or question being asked. But you have to use the words correctly and in the right context. 
In Part 2 of the Speaking test, you must talk for approximately two minutes on the assigned topic. You'll also be given a piece of paper, a pencil, and one minute to jot down some notes. Consequently, be sure to take notes during that minute. The needs cannot be met by IELTS test candidates who attempt to talk without notes.
You must have the ability to have in-depth talks about your ideas, especially for part 3. You could be required to express your view on subjects like global warming. In order to support your position, you must include arguments and real-world examples. It could be beneficial to keep in mind how you wrote your essay for the writing portion of the test. A few examples should have been used to introduce, clarify, and support your points. Use this line of reasoning while talking about the solutions in Part 3. 

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