Tips to Prepare for CELPIP Reading Module

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  • read time3 min Read
  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Nov 08,2024 04:17 PM IST

  • The reading section is one of the four sections of the CELPIP exam.
  • The CELPIP reading test is of 55-60 minutes and includes 38 questions.
  • By knowing about the tips to score high in the CELPIP reading test you can get ahead of other candidates. 


Are you thinking of permanently living in Canada? We would like to tell you that you have made a great decision. But there is just one thing you need to sort out to make your dream come true. That’s CELPIP. Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program, or CELPIP, is Canada’s own English proficiency test. The test has to be taken by anyone who wants to reside in Canada permanently. 

One of the sections that test takers often face difficulty in is the reading section. The CELPIP reading test consists of four modules and lasts 55-60 minutes. After reading this blog, you’ll walk away with the best tips for succeeding in the CELPIP reading test.

What is CELPIP Test?

Let's first understand CELPIP, It is designed for those who want to live in Canada permanently and evaluates a person's ability to speak English accurately in daily life.

There are two types of CELPIP tests: Online and Offline. One must keep in mind that only the offline CELPIP test is accepted for immigration or citizenship purposes, not CELPIP online. You can check out your nearest CELPIP test centres and upcoming CELPIP test dates. Talking about the CELPIP test scores are calibrated against the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) levels. Below is a chart of each CELPIP level and its corresponding description:

Test Level DescriptorCELPIP LevelCLB Level
Advanced proficiency in workplace and community contexts1212
Advanced proficiency in workplace and community contexts1111
Highly effective proficiency in workplace and community contexts1010
Effective proficiency in workplace and community contexts99
Good proficiency in workplace and community contexts88
Adequate proficiency in workplace and community contexts77
Developing proficiency in workplace and community contexts66
Acquiring proficiency in workplace and community contexts55
Adequate proficiency in daily life activities44
Some proficiency in limited contexts33
Limited ability in contexts related to immediate needs21, 2
Insufficient information to assess1-
Insufficient information to assess0-
Not Administered: The test taker did not receive this test componentNA-

Types of CELPIP Test

Depending on the one’s need there are two types of CELPIP test. The CELPIP General test is used for permanent residence applications, while the CELPIP General LS Test is used for citizenship applications. Let’s know about them in detail:

CELPIP General Test: It's a 3-hour computer-based test with four sections: reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

Section NameTime Duration
Reading55-60 minutes
Writing53-60 minutes
Speaking15-20 minutes
Listening47-55 minutes

CELPIP General LS Test: This is a one-hour computer-based test with two sections: listening and speaking.

Section NameTime Duration
Listening47-55 minutes
Speaking15-20 minutes

CELPIP Reading Section

CELPIP Reading Section is divided into four sections. All the sections include multiple-choice questions. The duration of the reading section is 55-60 minutes.

SectionNumber of Questions
Reading to Apply a Diagram8
Reading for Information9
Reading for Viewpoints10
Reading Correspondence11

Reading to Apply a Diagram

The student will be provided with a diagram, and eight questions based on the diagram will need to be answered in nine minutes.

Reading for Information

This section will have a paragraph without the words and phrases. The student has to select the right option from the four provided. There will be nine questions.

Reading for Viewpoints

In this part, the student will be provided with an article and various opinions of readers. Ten questions based on readers' viewpoints will need to be answered in 13 minutes.

Reading Correspondence

This part is divided into two sections. In the first part, there is an email or letter based on which 5-6 questions will be asked. In the second part, 5-6 questions will be asked where the blanks have to be filled.

How to prepare for the CELPIP Reading Module?

The CELPIP website provides many free tools and resources to the students to prepare them for the CELPIP Exam, such as:

Score Comparison ChartCELPIP provides a list of various levels. You can choose a level and see what needs to be done to reach it. Using the score descriptor chart, the students can see their level for both the speaking and writing sections.
Informative SessionsThe CELPIP also organises free online informative sessions, which anybody can join to learn more about the CELPIP Exam. It organises four types of sessions: CELPIP Writing Pro, CELPIP Listening Pro, CELPIP Reading Pro, and CELPIP Speaking Pro.
CELPIP Accelerate StarterWhen a student registers for the CELPIP General test or CELPIP General LS Test, they receive the CELPIP Accelerate Starter course in their account. This course includes 2.5 hours of study material and 5 hours of videos, puzzles, and practice questions to help the student prepare for the exam. 
Workshops and webinarsThe CELPIP organises various workshops from time to time, such as Get the Facts, Reading Pro, Speaking Pro, and many more. Students can attend these to learn more about the format of the CELPIP exam, procedure, study material, etc. They can also view recorded webinars on the CELPIP website and register for upcoming ones.
Practice TestThe students get two free practice tests for both the CELPIP General test and the CELPIP General LS Test. After taking the practice test, the candidate will become familiar with the exam format, questions, and more. They can also see which parts they are lacking and how they can improve in them.
CELPIP Preparation ProgramsAs the name suggests, the CELPIP Preparation program prepares students for the CELPIP Exam. CELPIP experts make this program. Enrolling in the program provides various benefits to students, like exclusive study material and guidance from CELPIP experts and the test-takers community.

Apart from these tools and resources, you can also prepare for the exam by joining the best CELPIP coaching institute near you. 

CELPIP Reading Score Chart

Now you know what the CELPIP reading module is and how you can prepare for it. But important information is missing here. That is CELPIP reading test scoring. Knowing the reading score chart is important so that you know which level you will be for a specific reading score. 

CELPIP LevelReading Score /38

Best Tips to Prepare for CELPIP Reading Module 

An ideal strategy to score high in the CELPIP reading section may be made up of the following steps:

Use EliminationThis is one of the basic tips you can use. Eliminate the answer you think is wrong, and you will ultimately get the correct answer.
Do not memoriseDon't memorise the answers; doing so will not earn you additional marks. Instead, use the time to prepare for other modules.
Timing is importantRemember, you have limited time to attempt the reading section. You also have only a few minutes to complete all four tasks. Therefore, you must check the timer and finish every answer on time.
ProofreadIf you find time at the end, then check all your answers. This is your chance to correct any mistakes. You can visit all the questions once again and change the answers if required.
Improve EnglishAfter all, it's an English proficiency test, and you shouldn't look like a beginner in English. Improve your English by reading books and novels. An interesting way to do this is by reading fiction. You can also watch English movies and analyse their English on various parameters like tone, grammar, speed, volume, etc. 
Sample TestOne of the easy tips to prepare for the CELPIP Reading Module is to give a sample test. To practice sample tests, you can visit Canamprep. Also, the CELPIP website gives a free CELPIP test to the students for both the CELPIP General Test and the CELPIP General LS Test. 
Skim and ScanAs you will have limited time on the test, you need to work smart, not hard. To give the right answer, it's not necessary to read every single word. Just skim through the paragraph, and you will get the main idea. After that, scan the text, and you will find the answers. This tip will help you save time.
Expand VocabularyThis is a no-brainer. Learning more words will give you the advantage of using synonyms of different words. To expand your vocabulary, you can read books and magazines, watch English movies, and use mobile apps. 


And that’s how you can score high on the CELPIP reading test. By achieving a good score in the reading section you ensure that you get an overall high score in the CELPIP exam. By preparing in advance and using the tips mentioned above, you can excel in the CELPIP reading section. Even though these tips will help you greatly, having an appropriate academic environment will increase your chances of success. If you are looking for a test prep centre, you can connect with the best CELPIP coaching institute - Canamprep.


One can improve CELPIP Reading by watching English movies and TV shows and reading English books and novels.
The students can take the CELPIP Reading Sample test from the CELPIP website, which is free of cost.
To score 9 in CELPIP Reading, the student should manage time and take a practice test.
It all depends on the English proficiency of the person. It could be difficult for some students, while for others, it could be easy.
Yes, the student can retake the CELPIP reading test.

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