• Study in Germany

Student Life in Germany

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  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Jul 25,2024 05:28 PM IST

  • The living cost for international students in Germany is around €800 - €1200 per month.
  • International students can work part-time to support their studies (up to 20 hours during the term and 40 hours on vacation).
  • The German lifestyle is a mix of tradition, efficiency, and leisure time, with a strong emphasis on work-life balance.

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Germany is known for its affordable education and top-class universities in Europe, but what is it like to become a student at a German university? Understandably, students usually have this question of what to expect from their potential student life once they land in Germany. Sure, the universities and education there are very affordable, but what else is there that you should know before landing in Germany? So, let’s end this dilemma and explore what awaits you in the land of philosophers.

How is Student Life in Germany?

Student life in Germany offers a unique combination of academic excellence, cultural immersion, and affordability that’s hard to beat. That’s right, top German universities are renowned for their rigorous academics, world-class research facilities, and distinguished faculty. But there’s more; along with the studies comes a whole new world of experiences. Here’s a breakdown of international student life in Germany to help you decide if studying in Germany is the right fit for you. 

The German Culture

Germany may seem like a cold, colorless place to outsiders, but it is the opposite. Germany boasts a rich history, a vibrant culture, and stunning natural beauty. As an international student, you’ll get the chance to fully immerse yourself in this dynamic environment. Explore historic cities like Berlin, Munich, and Dresden, wander through charming medieval towns, and marvel at the breathtaking landscapes of the Rhine Valley or the Bavarian Alps. Immerse yourself in German art, music, and traditional festivals like Oktoberfest, gaining a deeper appreciation for the country's unique cultural heritage.

German lifestyle

The German lifestyle is a fascinating mix of tradition, efficiency, and a growing appreciation for leisure time. Punctuality and organization reign supreme, with meticulous schedules and a waste separation system. Yet, Germans find a healthy work-life balance and cherish their shorter workweeks and vacations spent outdoors, pursuing hobbies, or connecting with loved ones. You’ll be amazed to know just how much Germans love their personal space and how their social interactions lean more towards directness than effusiveness. One more thing that’s in contrast to India is Germany’s Sundays. Sundays in Germany offer a tranquil pause, with shops closed and families taking centre stage. In essence, German life is a harmonious blend of tradition and efficiency, where hard work is valued but leisure and personal well-being are no longer afterthoughts. 

Healthcare System in Germany

Germany has one of the best healthcare systems in the world because it is mandatory for every individual, whether a citizen or an international student, to have health insurance. You can choose between public and private health insurance, but choose the one that fits your needs and doesn’t throw off your budget. Make sure you check if the health insurance in Germany  covers all the expenses before buying one.

Weather Conditions in Germany

Weather is always an issue with Indian students, as India falls more on the hot side in contrast to Germany’s cool temperatures. Germany experiences four distinct seasons, each offering its own unique charm. Summers are generally warm and pleasant, with temperatures ranging between 10-24 degree centigrade around various parts of the country. Summers are perfect for exploring the outdoors or soaking up the atmosphere at open-air cafes. Be prepared for occasional heatwaves, though, especially in the southern regions of Germany. On the other hand, Winters are crisp and chilly, with snow blanketing the landscapes, particularly in the north. Rain is a year-round visitor, so pack an umbrella or light rain jacket to stay comfortable.

Socializing & Building Your German Network

German culture values close friendships, but social interactions can feel more direct compared to some cultures. Don't be discouraged by an initial reservedness; Germans appreciate genuine connections and friendships built over time. Joining student clubs or associations related to your interests is a fantastic way to meet like-minded people and experience German culture firsthand. University events and international student communities also provide excellent opportunities to connect with fellow students and build a strong social network.

Language Barrier

Although some universities offer English-taught programs, German is the primary language of instruction at most universities. That’s why some level of German proficiency is beneficial for navigating daily life and truly immersing yourself in the culture. It’s better to learn the language, as it not only opens doors to deeper cultural understanding but also strengthens your resume and sets you apart from other graduates. If it seems difficult to learn German, you can consider taking help from the German language resources that many universities offer to help international students improve their fluency.

Living Expenses in Germany for Indian Students

To live comfortably in Germany as an international student, you will need 800-1200 EUR per month to meet all the expenses. Don’t worry though, as international students can work part-time in Germany to support their studies and expenses. You can work for up to 280 half-days per year or 140 full-days. Moreover, International students can get part-time jobs in Germany  like teaching or research assistants at universities, language tutors, waiters at coffee shops or bars, or assistants in industrial production. As an international student, you can earn from 5 to 15 EUR per hour. You can expect higher wages in major cities, but the cost of living in those cities is also expensive. Therefore, living in shared accommodation and flats on the outskirts can save you a great deal of money and help you manage your expenses efficiently.

Job Opportunities After Graduation

Germany boasts a strong and diverse economy, offering a plethora of job prospects to international students across various industries. Therefore, studying in Germany  can significantly enhance your career options, especially if you gain fluency in German. Many universities actively encourage internship opportunities, allowing you to gain valuable work experience in your field of study while building professional connections. 

Is Germany safe for Indian students?

Now for the most important question: Is Germany safe for Indian students? The answer is "YES". Germany is generally considered a safe country for international students, with low crime rates. However, as with any unfamiliar city, it's always wise to exercise basic safety precautions. Stay aware of your surroundings, especially at night, and avoid carrying large sums of cash. Familiarize yourself with the local emergency numbers, and don't hesitate to reach out your university or fellow students if you require assistance.


Germany is a country where you will not only get a quality education and qualifications at affordable fees, but you will also get to meet people from around the world and learn about different cultures. The qualifications gained from German universities will help your resume stand out and enable you to attract your favourite job in the global job market. Therefore, many Indian students go to study in Germany every year to accomplish their career goals with guidance from India's leading study abroad consultants, Canam.

With careful planning, an open mind, and a willingness to learn the language, you can thrive in this beautiful and dynamic country. Germany awaits you with its rich history, vibrant culture, and exciting opportunities, all waiting to be explored. 


Yes, Germany is known for its affordable universities, with minimal tuition fees for public universities.
Social interactions in Germany can be more direct than in some cultures, but Germans value genuine friendships. Joining clubs or attending university events are great ways to meet people.
While some English programs exist, German is the primary language of instruction at most universities. Learning German enhances your experience and career prospects. Many universities offer German-language resources for international students.
Generally, yes. Germany has a low crime rate. But as always, practice basic safety precautions, like staying aware of your surroundings.
You'll need around €800 - €1200 per month to cover living costs. Consider sharing accommodations and living outside city centers to save money.

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