• Study Abroad

Five Best Part-Time Jobs For an International Student

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  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Sep 05,2023 12:06 PM IST

 Five Best Part-Time Jobs For an International Student.webp
The goal of a student who studies abroad is not limited to a great education. It also extends to an overall improvement in his/her personality and an ultimate improvement in his/her standard of living. Almost all universities and colleges abroad allow an international student to earn a few extra bucks through part-time jobs. The number of hours that a student can work for in a country, using a student visa, varies from one to another. This not only helps the student to become self-reliant but also helps them to ease their financial burden. It is vital to ensure that the job shouldn't interfere with your academics while searching for a part-time job. Having said that, there are multiple options that an international student can choose from to maintain their lifestyle in a foreign land. Such tasks help an international student to develop strong communication skills and build a network of contacts. The communication skills will go a long way in ensuring that such a student integrates into the new culture with ease. The network of contacts will ensure that the student is offered great employment opportunities in the future. Now, let's look into the five best part-time jobs for an international student.

1.Tutoring  If you are interested in teaching others and getting happiness from making others learn, this option is for you! You can either tutor students in schools or colleges, depending upon your skill and interest. The wages can be hourly or monthly subject to negotiations. Since this is a result-oriented job, the amount that you make will depend upon how good you are, and the bonus is that it will feel great! Not only will you be able to increase your knowledge base while tutoring, but you will also play a small part in advancing someone else's career.

2.Nanny  If you love spending time with children and are experienced in taking care of them, then you can be a part-time nanny. In today's fast-paced world, parents often find it challenging to run simple errands like picking up their children from school or helping them do their homework or taking care of them. Hence, the job of a nanny is not only exciting but also extremely important. Pick this only if you have a way with kids! The amount of money you make depends on variable factors like the time you need to put in and the work that is expected from you.

3.Uber driver  This option is the most popular amongst international students. Uber is a mobile application through which cab services are provided. You can opt to be an Uber driver if you are of the age which is allowed to drive in that country. The amount you will make will depend upon the amount you drive, but usually, Uber drivers make more money over the weekends than the weekdays. It is fun to be able to drive around, see new things, listen to great music, and occasionally have a great conversation with your clients.

4.Bartender or Server Many international students opt to work for restaurants and bars to earn extra bucks and have a great time. This allows students to brush up their communication skills, increases their confidence, and leads to overall personality development. Not only will you earn a decent wage, but also the tips are great! This will teach you excellent management skills since working in restaurants and bars, especially over the weekends, can be quite a task with a handsome reward in terms of tips earned!

5.Book store Assistant  If you are a person who loves books, this is the best option! Each university has a book store, and there are various libraries in each country which usually, always, require assistants. The wages are pretty decent, and you will be able to read a lot of books that can help you in your academics. So, not only will you make money, but it will help you to do better at your college/university because of the number of resources that will be available at your disposal.

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