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Experience Certificate: Format, Sample, Tips & Examples

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  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Jul 19,2023 12:27 PM IST

The experience Certificate is a document which is required at many places in our daily life and still we know so little about it. Read this blog to know everything about an experience certificate including what it is, its significance, where it is used and many more.

Experience Certificate Format, Sample, Tips & Examples.webp
Experience Certificate is a term which one may have hear many times. Whether someone wants to study abroad or want to work in a private company an Experience Certificate is a must. Every applicant is asked to submit an experience certificate before proceeding. But does a candidate know what exactly it is? Read this blog to know more about the experience certificate like what is an experience certificate, why it’s important and how to make one.

What is an Experience Certificate?

An experience certificate or an experience letter is a document which an employee gets when he leaves the organization. It is provided by his employer after the termination. It’s a formal document which shows how much experience the employee had gained during their service. The employee can show this document further in another company which shows that they are well experienced in a particular field. An experience certificate can give several benefits to the individual which we will understand in the next topic.

Significance of Experience Certificate

After knowing what an experience certificate is let’s understand why it’s so important with the following points:

  • Job Experience Verification: An experience certificate proves that the candidate holds a particular year of experience in a field. It also shows the responsibilities and achievements of the individual during the tenure of service.
  • Shows Authenticity: An experience letter improves the credibility of the applicant. Whether they want to apply for a job or study abroad it gives him an edge over others who don’t have it.
  • Professional Advancement: A candidate can easily secure a higher position in a company if they show the experience letter from a previous employer. Applicants can get a higher salary and other perks according to the certificate.
  • Higher Studies: Many countries like the USA, UK and Canada demand work experience certificates for admission to higher studies programs. Even ifan individual wants to work in a foreign country he has to show an experience letter.

Format of an Experience Certificate

An experience certificate is always written in a formal style and the format of same is as follows:

Name of the Organization
The name of the organization which is issuing a certificate will come at the top.

To whom it may concern
Date of issuing
Here the exact date of issuing of experience letter will come.
Name of Employee
Duration of Service
Roles & Responsibilities
A brief statement about the working period of the employee and an encouraging statement from his manager.

Employer’s Name
Company’s Seal

Types of Experience Certificate

There are many types of experience certificates. Below is a list of the most common experiences letters:

  • Employment Experience Certificate
  • Industrial Training Experience Certificate
  • Teaching Experience Certificate
  • Internship Experience Certificate
  • Project Experience Certificate
  • Industry-specific Experience Certificate
  • Volunteer Experience Certificate
  • Skill-specific Experience Certificate
  • Leadership Experience Certificate
  • Research Experience Certificate

Tips to make an appealing Experience Certificate

Following are some tips to make a good-looking experience certificate:

  • Well Structured: An experience letter is a formal document and therefore it should look professional in terms of font, font size and layout
  • Easy to Read: A work experience letter must use easy language to showcase the roles, responsibilities and achievements of the employee.
  • Mention Achievements: A work experience letter must include the achievements of the employee during his tenure of service. This tells the capability of the individual.
  • Well-Read: An experience letter must be proofread to avoid any kind of grammatical and other errors.

Sample of Experience Certificate

Below is an example of what an experience certificate looks like:

A proper professional experience Certificate is required to either switching a high-salary job or study foreign. If candidates want to study abroad, they would be requiring one. Connect with Canam Consultants now to get a professional work experience certificate which will get them admission to their favorite university.


Any employee can get an experience letter from his previous employer.
Many organizations don’t issue experience letters in 3 months and one needs to complete at least 6 months of service.
Yes, many times individuals write their experiences letters themselves.
A work experience letter gives the individual an advantage while applying for an educational program in a foreign university.
Yes, a work experience certificate is required if someone wants to pursue a Master’s or MBA in a foreign university.
If someone wants to pursue MBA in a foreign university then he needs to show a work experience letter.

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