• Study Abroad

5 Study Habits to follow as a College Student when Studying Abroad

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  • read time3 min Read
  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Aug 29,2023 01:52 PM IST

5 Study Habits to follow as a College Student when Studying Abroad .webp
There is no escape to hard work for studies when you plan to study abroad. You have to develop it as a habit and pursue it routinely. Many students procrastinate their studies until the last moment. When their exams or tests approach, they panic. In such situations, your stress mounts, making it more difficult to focus on studies. Nervousness before exams degrades your GPA.To avoid yourself bringing under circumstances where your grades get affected, your habit of studies plays the most vital role.

In this write-up, we have discussed 5 study habits to follow as a college student when studying abroad.

1. Making notes

While you are attending college, you should note down the lectures on the topic being taught. Carefully go through them and understand what your professor has explained. When you understand, express it in your own words and keep it for revision before you appear in the test or exam. Prepare the notes sequentially as per the topics, i.e., one after the other.

When you have missed something in the class lecture, you must approach your professor, and they willing to explain the topic again. Numerical expression and derivations need practice. Dont miss them when being taken. Learn to use expressions and solve problems. Many students leave the numerical section unattended in the exam, thus losing marks. When you learn to solve numerical problems, your grades shoot high. Some even record lectures and fair it out later by filtering what is important making notes from various sources such as reference books and internet benefits you to revise the syllabus before exams. Its a great method to prepare and score high.

2. Organize your study material

Students are not in the habit of keeping their books and notes to study in decorum. They may be using one notebook where they are noting the lectures of all the subjects and not fairing it out. This haphazard way of studying creates problems. Before exams, if you havent cared for the books and study materials are left unattended, you surely will be confused about what to study and how. Its essential to keep separate notebooks for different subjects and maintain notes for all. Organizing the books and study material will give you time to focus on covering the topics and revising before the exams. If you have kept your books and notes properly, you dont have to scrounge for them during the exams. The more the sorted way of your studying, the better will be the learning and higher the grades.

3. Disconnecting yourself

Mobiles, tablets, iPads, etc., are the biggest distractions when studying. You cannot focus on studies with these things around. When you are preparing for the exams, you must discontinue the use of cell phones and social media. Social media addiction is a time killer that you can use only when free. Once it grips you, your studies will surely suffer. Get engaged with your studies before things go out of your hand, and it gets too late for you to prepare for the exams. Socializing is important, which you can do actively than using social media.

4. Dont pressurize yourself

Studying abroad can be an overwhelming situation for many. You are competing with the students from all parts of the world. They have their own learning abilities. You have to keep yourself calm, and the best way is to manage time for each subject. Allocate your time for the various subjects and study accordingly. If you think that you will prepare everything a night before the exams and all the while you have wasted your time, then its not possible to cram up your syllabus. Preparing regularly in discipline gives the best results, which must be understood by those studying abroad.

5. Good study environment supports learning

It is a proven fact that if you study in more than one place, you will learn better. The concept of brain mapping works when you study in more than one place. For most crucial topics you can study in your room, which is a peaceful and comfortable place. Other places where you can study are a library or silent caf. Different students have a different time to study. Some choose early morning while many prefer to study in the silence of the night. Well, ways are many, so make one of your own, such as listening to soft music, sipping coffee, and studying.

Your main concern when studying abroad is education and growth. Focus on these, and you will find yourself succeeding in the future.

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