• UK

Accommodation for Students in UK- Travel, living, and Studying in the UK!

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  • read time3 min Read
  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Sep 14,2023 04:08 PM IST

  Accommodation for Students in UK- Travel, living, and Studying in the UK! .webp
Once you have got your UK student visa, you are all set to pack your bags and fly! Settling on the choice to travel to another country for higher education isn't a simple one, because, alongside a vast amount of cash, there are numerous other significant things you have to deal with, for example, finding an accommodation. Accommodation in the UK is the most important test you should handle as an international student, or you will end up wasting all your energy and time on commuting or cleaning up a messy room.

Generally speaking, if the UK is your study abroad destination, you must do some research on the details that are required to find an accommodation that will further help you to understand the options that are suitable for you. Some common types of student accommodation in the UK are:

  1. Private dorms
  2. Apartments
  3. University dorms
  4. Rooms in private houses or homestays.

Consequently, opting for the one that will match your choice and financial resources is hard. From the following article, we hope you will help get the details about the accommodation and some tips for finding accommodation of your choice while studying in UK.

Cost of accommodation in the UK

The United Kingdom made up of four countries, such as England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Thus, the cost of accommodation in the UK varies from place to place. As a student, the most important thing is to save money for emergency needs and realizing that lease is the highest expenditure you'll have when studying abroad, finding a reasonable accommodation will lighten your extraordinary financial weight. London is the greatest and by a wide margin the most expensive city to live in the UK. The expense of housing in the downtown area is higher than in a rural neighborhood, which is a typical quality for healthy urban communities. If your college is situated near downtown zones, then to avoid extra expenses exploring in the territory around. The average cost of off-campus accommodation is 400GBP per month. An international student might have to sign a tenancy agreement to stay in a house.

Given below is the list with the approximate annual cost of living in the UK:

  • London  7,500 to 10,000+
  • Edinburgh- 7,500 to 10,000+
  • Cardiff- 7,500 to 10,000+
  • Belfast-7,500 to 10,000+
  • Manchester-7,500 to 10,000+
  • Liverpool- 5,000 to 7,499
  • Glasgow- 7,500 to 10,000+
  • Cambridge-7,500 to 10,000+
  • Oxford- 4,999
  • Bath- 4,999

Although, as an international student, the best choice while finding accommodation for a student in the UK is "on-campus accommodation." As  on-campus student accommodation in the UK regulated by authorities of the university, which separated from giving a feeling that all is well with the world and decreases the chances of unfairness.

Major locations to stay in the UK

As we realize that urban zones have higher expenses than rural areas of the UK. But inside urban territories, there are moderate alternatives for students, which can be found without a little research ahead.

You can locate a modest accommodation spot to lease in the downtown areas of the UK. But while comparing, apartments and private houses have lower costs in the periphery. Besides minor drawbacks such as distance from the downtown area, they are quiet, more secure, less over-burden with traffic, and numerous students dwell there, so it's an incredible chance to mingle.

In the end, you may need to drive to go to classes every day; however, the total expense of your ticket won't elevate to the lease you would be paying on the off chance that you live in the downtown area.

Types of accommodations available for students in the UK


Furnished apartments are an ideal alternative for individuals studying abroad because they don't have to purchase things of furniture all alone, which they will sell when returning home. Additionally, proprietors of outfitted condos take care that their apartments have everything set up to be the ultimate decision of approaching remote students. So it is ideal you generally look for furnished apartments.

University dorms/ On-campus accommodation

Several universities and colleges in the UK provide on-campus accommodation services for its students. An international student needs to apply for residence halls while applying for their desired program. These halls are large buildings divided into flats having necessary furniture such as a bed, desk, and chair.

Expert advice

Organize everything in advance

There is a saying that "time is the most valuable thing a man can spend." So, as a student, time is everything to you. Even though it might be challenging to organize your housing from your home, it can be simplified if you enlist the sources and bodies you will reach for your accommodation demand while landing in the UK.

Your first call ought to be your college or university. Their student office will unquestionably assist you with your exploration or will convey it all alone.

Do good research

Having thought of which part of the city you might want to live and what are the accessible choices to you, you can understand in a matter of seconds when you sit in your family room and start using the web.

You can explore the pattern of lease prices and get an overview of where it may be less expensive and helpful for you. Additionally, you can join online students' discussions where you can unreservedly ask students who have just experienced this before you.

Look for private dormitories

University dormitories do not have enough space and places for every international student. Therefore, several private residences are built to assist students in their living.

In urban communities where the transition of international students is vast, there are most likely a large number of private dormitories around. You should genuinely look to them since they are less expensive accommodations than private lofts and offer similar conditions as college dorms.

Pro-tip: In case you are left with no option but to live in a private apartment, instead of living alone, share it with someone.

Before choosing to pick a housing place over different choices, ensure it contains all that you need. Without a doubt, the value is significant. However, you should mean to get the best arrangement.

Significantly, you commit your entire time to your studies in the UK. If you are unable to find a spot to oblige well in time, you can wind up investing a great deal of energy, which you would use to prepare for your test. In this manner, we prescribe every worldwide student in the UK to attempt to discover and explore options for student lodging before arriving in the UK. At last, if you don't find an accommodation that suits you, but still you want to study in UK, and are willing to go for housing options at any rate, you will have a rundown of assets and offices where you can look for help with your accommodation.

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