Letter of Recommendation for Masters - LOR Samples for MS

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  • By:CANAM Group
  • Updated On:Jul 28,2023 12:54 PM IST

A Letter of Recommendation (LOR) plays an important role in one’s Master’s application. It provides the admission committee invaluable insight into the applicant's aptitude and skills that go past their transcripts or resumes. Keep reading to learn more.

Letter of Recommendation for Master’s – LOR Samples for MS.webp

Letter of Recommendation for a Master's Program

A letter of recommendation for a Master's program is one of the key requirements of the application process. Aspirants request people familiar with their academic or professional background for LORs. The Letter is an endorsement expressing a student's preparedness for the Master's program. The admission committee uses it as a third-party judgment of the applicant's competence. All in all, they hold the power to swing the decision in the student's favour.

Who Should Write a LOR?

To get the Letter of Recommendation for a Master, most students request their professors or mentors who know them academically and personally since they can recount particular instances about their academic prowess. Any university they plan to apply to would ask for at least two to three LORs. Thus, it is the student's responsibility to pick the people right for the job. Ideally, they should be an Assistant Professors, Supervisors, or Project Managers with whom the student has worked closely. Alternatively, it can be a Work Manager, Team Leader or a Project Leader. The recommender, format and content of a LOR is a highly important part of the process.

How to Write LOR for MS?

While narrowing down three people isn't hard to do, some students might feel nervous about actually going up to them and asking for a LOR. However, it is a standard part of the process that the recommenders had to go through in their time too. Mentioned below are the steps to acquire the letters:

1. Selecting Recommenders: A good recommendation letter can make a world of difference to one's case. Thus, students should carefully select the three people who know them the best in an academic or professional setting.
2. Create a CV/Resume: Students can help their recommenders by providing them with a list of their achievements, skills, and interests that they want to highlight in the letters.
3. Approaching Recommenders: Ideally students should ask their professors or managers for letters of recommendation in person.
4. Formal Proposal: After the Recommender accepts the request in person, students can email a formal proposal.

What is the Structure of LOR for a Master's?

A LOR for Master's courses is usually between 400-500 words. The Letter's structure is usually divided into 4 or 5 short paragraphs: introduction, body (2-3 paras) and conclusion/summary.

SectionPoints Covered
IntroductionFormal greeting and purpose of the letter
ContextExplain their relationship with the candidate (academic or professional)
CompetencyShowcase the applicant’s key strengths with specific anecdotes
ComparisonIf applicable, draw a comparison between the candidate’s performance versus the average performance of the class
ConclusionReaffirm endorsement of the aspirant
ContactRecommender’s contact details for any further questions

Submitting a Letter of Recommendation (LOR)

The submission processes vary depending on which university the student is applying to. Generally, international universities are quite particular about the mode via which they want them to be submitted. Here are some common ways:

  • Online Form: The universities ask the candidate's listed recommenders to login into an online portal where they answer questions about the individual.
  • Email:  Recommendation letters are often requested through the Recommender's official email ID.
  • Post: The most common method of submission is via post. The student collects the Letter of Recommendation in a stamped, signed and stamped envelope which is sent to the university along with their application.

Sample Letter of Recommendation (LOR) for MS

As the Head of Computer Science at XYZ College, Pune, I am delighted to write this Letter of recommendation for Mr ABC, an undergraduate student of this department. I have known ABC for three years and can confidently discuss his skills and qualities. He is a highly driven and sincere student who has actively used every opportunity our college offers.

ABC has consistently been amongst the top scorers of his batch, in addition to being among the only individuals to be offered the chance to pursue an Honours degree.

Furthermore, ABC has been selected to represent our institute in numerous competitions not only nationally but globally too. He was an effective president of our Computer Science Club. The work of this club went on impeccably during his term.

Overall, there is an unmistakable love for the field and a strong feeling of community and togetherness. He has often shown to be a productive student in our department and has demonstrated excellent leadership abilities. He will undoubtedly succeed in the course and prove to be a valuable member of any college he applies to. So, I heartily endorse Mr ABC for your prestigious university and send him my best wishes.

Yours sincerely,
Full name of the Recommender
Designation, Department
Name of Institution, City
Contact No:
Email ID:

While transcripts give accurate information about a candidate's academic performance, a LOR goes further to show their likelihood of succeeding in a Master's program. It's a subjective yet incredibly powerful document that provides the applicant's profile character and nuance. Therefore, it is crucial to make sure a well-written LOR is included in the application process.

Always keep in mind that an excellent LOR is more than simply a letter; it is an endorsement of one’s work, skills, and potential. It can considerably increase one’s chances of getting accepted into their dream Master's program.

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A reference letter is more general in nature and discusses the individual's basic character and personality attributes. In contrast, an LOR approving the applicant's application at the university they've applied to explicitly focuses on the candidate's academic and professional skills.
Some things to avoid while writing an LOR are:
a.    Selecting someone who merely knows you. It is vital to pick someone who can speak to your abilities, interests, potential and achievements.
b.    Don't rush the recommender. Request letters of recommendation well in advance of the application deadline to give the recommenders sufficient time to write thoughtful letters.
This depends on the university you've applied to. While some colleges may typically presume the letter's legitimacy and move forward with the application evaluation, others may attempt to contact the recommender using the contact information supplied in the letter.
This solely relies on the university you've applied to. While some colleges may presume the letter's legitimacy and move forward with the application evaluation, others may attempt to contact the recommender using the contact information in the letter.
Here are the following steps that you can follow to request a letter of recommendation:
•    Choose whom you want to write your LOR
•    Provide your academic transcripts and CV to the person writing your letter
•    Speak with each individual who is writing your LOR
•    Send a formal LOR request
•    Follow up with a reminder a week before your letters are due
•    Express your appreciation for their support by writing an email

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