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Home > Study in Canada > Trent University - Peterborough Campus > Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Political Studies and Legal Studies Option (Joint Majors)

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Political Studies and Legal Studies Option (Joint Majors) Trent University - Peterborough Campus Trent University - Peterborough Campus, Canada

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CAD 28285

Annual Tuition Fee

*Subject to change and other fees
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CAD 90

Application Fee

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48 months


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Program Overview

Create a unique educational focus based on your passions and interests, with an interdisciplinary knowledge base
Trent’s joint major programs give you full license to create a degree that's uniquely your own, by combining courses in the arts, sciences, or professional programs. Have a passion for social justice? Combine your Politics degree with Gender & Women’s Studies. Interested in all things tech? Join Media Studies and Computing Systems. Mix and match programs that best appeal to your interests, preparing yourself for a future with more possibility.

Combine degrees. Expand your horizons.
At Trent, you have the flexibility to combine nearly any two programs of your choice. To help you narrow it down, here’s a list of some of our most popular combinations:

  • Media Studies and Psychology 
  • Anthropology and History 
  • English and Media Studies 
  • Biology and Psychology 
  • Anthropology and Psychology 
  • Environmental Studies and Biology 
  • Anthropology and Sociology 
  • Geography and Canadian Studies 
  • Computing Systems and Media Studies 
  • Economics and Philosophy 
  • Economics and Psychology 
  • English and Psychology 
  • Psychology and Sociology 
  • Computing Systems and Economics 
  • English and Sociology 

You can also explore the popular joint major combinations within our professional programs like Business Administration and Forensic Science.

Political Studies:-
Politics shape everything society touches, influencing what we believe, how we live and what we do to create order in a chaotic world. In this program, you’ll learn to make a positive impact through shaping and influencing social policy, focusing on Canadian politics, world politics and political theory. You’ll find yourself debating and exploring ideas surrounding democracy and global politics, closely examining power relations and relationships between state, business, and citizens.

Legal Studies (Option):-
Understanding the legal system in Canada is valuable for everyone, not just lawyers and policy makers. A complement to virtually any B.A. or B.Sc. degree, this option provides students with fundamental knowledge about Canadian law. You'll learn about rights and freedoms, what it takes to draft and pass new laws, and how the law influences and is influenced by society and culture.   

An option is a “mini-minor” – a set of courses in one discipline that can be completed in conjunction with any undergraduate degree program, allowing you to focus on an additional subject of interest.

Resume Boosters:-

  • Gain the diversity of knowledge today’s employers are looking by studying and specializing in not one, but two academic disciplines
  • Hands-on learning experiences abound in all Trent programs – gain the competitive edge on your resume
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Additional Information

Program Level 4-Year Bachelor's Degree

College/University Processing Time 30 Days

Program Format Full-Time

Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) work permit

Program Intake


May 2024, Sep 2024, Jan 2025

General Admission Requirement

    • Minimum Overall Score - 6.5 - With No Band Less Than - 6
    • Minimum Overall Score - 86.0  Minimum Writing - 20.0  
  • PTE
    • Minimum Overall Score - 59
    • Minimum Overall Score - 115.0  

Academic Requirement

  • Minimum Level of Education Required: To be accepted into this program, applicants must have Grade 12 / High School diploma or equivalent including the folllowing required courses:
    • ENG 4U with a minimum of 60%

6.5 IELTS Score
86 TOEFL Score Minimum Overall Score
59 PTE Score Minimum Overall Score
115 Duolingo Minimum Overall Score
70% CGPA Minimum Overall Score

Similar Programs

Tuition Fee

The values given below are estimated figures, excluding extra charges like material fee, student activity fees, athletic fees, health care, etc., for courses. To know more, please visit the Programs page.

Average Tuition Fee Per Year


Tuition Fee

CAD 90

Application Fee

11000 Per year

Average Cost of Living

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The living costs include the total expenses per month, covering accommodation, public transportation, utilities (electricity, internet), books and groceries.

Check program website for more information about funding options.


Entrance Scholarships for International Students 

International undergraduate students applying to Trent are automatically considered for Trent University’s renewable entrance scholarships, awarded based on academic excellence. These range in value from $1,500 to $3,000 annually and are renewable over the course of your undergraduate degree.

Entering Average Maximum Scholarship Potential Details
95%+ $12,000 $3,000 x 4 years
90-94.9% $10,000 $2,500 x 4 years
85-89.9% $8,000 $2,000 x 4 years
80-84.9% $6,000 $1,500 x 4 years

Learn more about eligibility conditions for the renewable entrance scholarships and about all of Trent’s scholarships and bursaries for international students, visit the International Scholarships & Awards page.

Prestigious Scholarships

Receive up to $30,000 as a recipient of one of Trent’s prestigious scholarships. If you're a Canadian student entering your first year at Trent with an average of 80% or higher, we encourage you to apply – and you only have to fill out a single application!

Champlain Scholarship - 2 available Each year, two scholarships are awarded to entering students of exceptionally high academic achievement and promise.
Value: $7,500 per year; maximum potential $30,000
Board of Governor’s Leadership Scholarship

Each year, one scholarship is awarded to an entering student who has shown outstanding leadership and involvement in his/her community, as well as academic achievement.
Value: $7,500 per year; maximum potential $30,000

Special Admission Scholarship - 10 available

Each year, several scholarships are awarded to entering students of outstanding academic and extra-curricular achievement.
Value: $4,500 per year; maximum potential $18,000

Canada-Wide Science Fair Scholarship

Each year, one scholarship is awarded to an entering student of outstanding academic and extra-curricular achievement who has been awarded a medal or an honourable mention for a senior-level project at a Canada-Wide Science Fair within the past two calendar years.
Value: $4,500 per year; maximum potential $18,000

Michael Treadwell Scholarship

Awarded to an entering student of exceptional high achievement and promise intending to major in the humanities.
Value: $4,500; maximum potential $18,000

Full Details & Eligibility Requirements 

  • Any Canadian student entering their first year at Trent with a final admission average of 80% or higher may apply for a Trent University Prestigious scholarship. To qualify for a scholarship, students must be enrolled in a full-time, degree-seeking program.
  • The prestigious scholarships are renewable for up to four years of undergraduate study provided the student maintains a minimum 80% average in a full course load during the previous academic year.  
  • A student may only receive one major Trent University entrance scholarship. For example, if you received an offer for a Trent University National Renewable entrance scholarship, and you have been selected for a Prestigious scholarship, the National Renewable scholarship will be replaced by the higher value Prestigious scholarship. 
  • Students not selected for a prestigious scholarship are automatically considered for a Trent University National Renewable Entrance Scholarship.?All students new to Trent University with a final admission average of 80% or greater are considered for an entrance scholarship; no application is required. Entrance scholarships are renewable each year for students who maintain an average of 80% or higher in a full course load. Scholarship values range from $1,500 to $4,000 per year and up to $18,000 for four years. 

How to Apply

  • Students must apply for Prestigious Scholarships. One application qualifies you for all prestigious scholarships. The application form can be found on your myTrent applicant portal under the My Account tab.
  • Application Deadline: The deadline to apply is April 1.
  • Students with a final entrance average of 80% or higher who did not apply or are not eligible for a Prestigious Scholarship will automatically be considered for a Trent University National Renewable Entrance Scholarship.

International Scholarships & Awards

For international undergraduate students starting in January (Winter) 2025, May (Summer) 2025 or September (Fall) 2025.

Trent University has been one of the top universities in Ontario for Scholarships and Bursaries for more than 20 years. 
Trent's full and diverse scholarship program is designed to foster and reward academic excellence among our students. Scholarships are merit-based financial awards, typically awarded on the basis of academic excellence or a combination of academic achievement, leadership and community involvement.  

Trent International Renewable Entrance Scholarships

All international undergraduate students applying to Trent are automatically considered for Trent University Entrance Scholarships that are awarded based on academic excellence. These range in value from $1,500 to $3,000 annually and are renewable over the course of your undergraduate degree.

Tier Grade Range
(Canadian Equivalent)
Scholarship Per Academic Year
(in Canadian dollars)
Total Scholarship Potential (over 4 years)
1 80% - 84% $1,500 $6,000
2 85% - 89% $2,000 $8,000
3 90% - 94% $2,500 $10,000
4 95% - 100% $3,000 $12,000


Entrance Scholarship Eligibility

Students are eligible to renew their Entrance Scholarship at the same value received in their first year if they meet the conditions below.  

  • Maintain a term average at Trent corresponding to your scholarship tier from the previous academic year. For example
    • If you enter Trent with a 92% average, you’ll receive $2,500 in your first year.
    • If your Trent term average is 89%, you’ll receive $2,000 for the next academic year.
    • If your Trent term average is 95%, you’ll receive $3,000 for the next academic year. 
  • Complete at least 5 credits in the preceding academic year (Fall, Winter & Summer), or have a Student Accessibility Services (SAS)-approved reduced courseload accommodation. 
  • Register for courses as a full-time student for the upcoming academic year. 
  • Be an international student paying international fees.

Upgrade Your International Entrance Scholarship

Students are eligible to upgrade the renewable portion of their Entrance Scholarship if they achieve a higher term average at Trent which places them in a higher tier. For example, if a student’s high school grade is 80%, this makes them eligible for a $1,500 entrance scholarship. However, if after their first year at Trent their average increases to 86%, the student would then become eligible for a $2,000 scholarship (upgraded tier) for their second year of undergraduate studies at Trent. 

Students who are eligible for an upgrade will automatically receive the new Entrance Scholarship amount in their myTrent account statement by early October each academic year after the course drop deadline has passed.

How and when are Entrance Scholarship offers made?

Entrance Scholarship averages are awarded based on the Canadian equivalent of your average used for admission consideration. Students will receive the entrance scholarship amount directly in their myTrent account statement.  

*Please note that all the above scholarship values, eligibility requirements, and criteria are subject to change without notice. Entrance Scholarships can be paired with Trent International’s Prestigious Renewable Scholarships. All eligible students are strongly encouraged to apply for these renewable awards to receive a larger total scholarship package. 

For more information, click here

Graduate Distinguished Entrance Scholarship

We are pleased to announce the introduction of the Graduate Distinguished Entrance Scholarship for top applicants entering the Master of Management or Applied Modelling & Quantitative Methods (M.Sc.) programs. Eligible students can receive up to $3,000 in scholarship funding. This scholarship is a one-time academic excellence award applicable to students starting in Fall 2025.


More Graduate Study Opportunities
Trent University offers 30+ graduate degree programs, including course-based and thesis-based master’s degrees, each featuring unique experiences to support students' academic and career goals.

Here are a few that your students may be interested in:

  • Master of Science in Applied Modelling (Data Science & Analytics): 12-month program with a final term research practicum – scholarship eligible
  • Master of Management (Health Care Management): 16-month program with a final term workplace-integrated learning placement – scholarship eligible
  • Master of Arts Management (Co-op): 12-month program with a 4-month paid co-op placement - scholarship eligible
  • Master of Instrumental Chemical Analysis (Co-op): 12-month program with a 4-month paid co-op placement

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