Marconi International University

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Marconi International University Miami USA 2024

canada flagMiami, Florida, USA

  • By:Canamgroup Team
  • Updated On: May 27,2024 09:56 AM IST

Marconi International University Overview

Marconi International University (MIU) is an innovative American university based in Miami, Florida that offers official undergraduate and graduate university courses, both online and on campus.

MIU is dedicated to innovation in learning technologies and methodologies and to advanced research at an international level at the service of societal changes and progress. MIU’s commitment to excellence and qual­ity in­spires pro­grams that pre­pare stu­dents to face global changes and to suc­cess­fully apply their aca­d­e­mic knowl­edge to real-life sit­u­a­tions.

MIU’s mis­sion is to pro­vide in­no­v­a­tive and af­ford­able high-qual­ity de­gree pro­grams and learn­ing op­por­tu­ni­ties to both U.S. residents and in­ter­na­tional stu­dents, uti­liz­ing the lat­est tech­nolo­gies and re­spond­ing to stu­dents’ needs in their pur­suit of aca­d­e­mic, per­sonal, and pro­fes­sional in­tegrity.

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USD 6000-7000


USD 10000-11000


University Facts

Established in 2004

Programmes 3 Available

Total Students 16000+

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