Tap to Read ➤

Time Management Techniques for TOEFL Reading Module

The TOEFL reading test contains two reading passages of 700 words with 10 questions for each passage. The complete test spans for about 35 minutes. Tap to know some tricks for you to finish the test in the given time.
Know the functions of the buttons on the test screen.
Practice can only give confidence for using the buttons at the right time (for computer-based test). Use the help, back, next and review buttons as needed.
Skip questions from exam flow, but answer them all.
If needed, skip questions while answering them in order to save time, but leave no question unanswered.
Review all answers before submitting.
Use review feature to see if you have left any question unanswered & revise answers by scrolling through each question or recheck your answers in paper-based test.
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