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IELTS Bar Graph Vocabulary

Are you preparing for the IELTS exam & looking for ways to improve your performance? If yes, you might find this list of vocabulary related to bar graphs helpful. These essential phrases will enable you to describe bar graphs effectively.
Bar Graph/Bar Chart
A bar graph is a visual representation of data using rectangular bars where the height represents the value being compared, e.g. bar graph representing monthly incomes.
The x-axis of the bar graph plays a crucial role in visually representing the comparison of different aspects, e.g. category of population before 1990 and 2000.
The graph's boundaries consist of the x-axis (horizontal) and y-axis (vertical), e.g. the axes represent the years and percentage of graduating students.
The axes have numerical values that are used for measuring and comparing data, e.g. the usage of petrol on a scale of number of liters per day.
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