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Duolingo vs IELTS: Score Comparison

Are you also confused between Duolingo or IELTS? Many test takers try to find which is better by comparing their scores. If you are one of them then read this story to know everything about Duolingo vs IELTS score comparison.
Why to compare?
A score comparison of Duolingo vs IELTS allows the university to determine the proficiency of students. It helps in smooth evaluation for admissions.
Key highlights of Duolingo and IELTS.
Both Duolingo and IELTS exam assess four skills: reading, listening, writing and speaking. The Duolingo exam has two sections while IELTS has four sections.
Duolingo vs IELTS: Score Comparison
A band score of 8.5-9.0 in IELTS will be converted to 160 in Duolingo while a band score of 8.0 in IELTS will become between 150-155 in Duolingo.
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