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Duolingo Accepting Universities in UK

Duolingo is a widely accepted proficiency test. A large number of universities in the UK accept Duolingo scores for English language requirements for bachelor’s and master’s programs. Tap next to know about the institutes & programs.
The university accepts Duolingo scores for graduate programs in varied fields of science, arts and management with a minimum overall score of 120.
University of Liverpool
Admission to bachelor’s and master’s programs in varied fields of arts, law, science and technology are offered with Duolingo scores, the minimum overall requirement being 105 to 120.
University of Portsmouth
The university offers admission based on Duolingo scores for UG and PG programs with the minimum requirement ranging from overall scores of 125 to 135.
University of Reading
Duolingo scores in the university are accepted for UG programs in arts, science, engineering & law and master’s programs in a wide range of fields.
University of Sussex
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