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Job Opportunities for Students in Canada

Canada welcomes international students with open arms (and job opportunities) to gain valuable work experience and enhance their CVs. Tap to learn about some of the most exciting yet well-paying job opportunities for students in Canada.
canamgroup Apr 5, 2024
Coffee Connoisseur
Average Salary - CAD 14 per hour
Brew smiles as a barista at a local cafe, master your latte art and gain some exceptional customer service skills along the way.
Leash on Riches
Average Salary- CAD 15 per hour
 Become a dog walker and get paid to spend time with adorable furry friends while giving them the exercise they deserve.

Retail Therapy
 (for your wallet)

Average Salary- CAD 14 per hour
 Get a job at a clothing store or electronics haven, indulging your inner shopaholic while earning some cash as a sales assistant.

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